Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sustainability (EDITED)

Ten Ways to Use Paper Responsibly

1.     Every designer should recycle any unused paper properly
a.     They could use the paper as compost material
b.     Save scraps to use for sketching
2.     Designers have the ability to communicate with the public and should promote good design towards recycling.
a.     This can be accomplished by a smart design campaign for recycling, placing signs and more recycling ‘areas’ on public streets
3.     Designers with left over papers can pulp it and make new paper to get the full use out of any scraps.
4.     Everyone should consider different types of paper out there made from alternative materials.
a.     Recycled paper
b.     Bamboo
c.     Hemp
5.     Designers should consider alternative mediums for designs/ideas instead of relying only on paper
6.     Certain inks have an impact on paper that is recycled or in wastelands.  Choosing water-based or vegetable oil-based inks are more easily broken down and have a less effect on the environment.
7.     Designers should choose paper from environmentally sustainable companies or consider local venders to promote grassroots making of paper.
8.     Designers should be diligent when making test prints.  Should get sketches and drafts as close as possible to final product before making tests to make only a few numbers of prints to avoid wasting paper.
a.     Will cause designer to be more meticulous.
9.     Should consider technology as a means of production.  Instead of printing out tons of paper for posters or flyers, perhaps use LCD panels to display work.
10.   Sketch less on paper and consider using a stylus pad and pen to do sketches on computers using programs like Adobe Photoshop.

Design Proposal: Doors

This idea of using gears that spin or crank a generator to create sustainable energy would be ideal for 
doors, especially those in buildings in cities that are used by thousands of people daily. The idea is to 
redesign three kinds of doors: the standard door, swinging doors, and revolving doors.  

standard door hinges would be replaced and the door would be set on a metal pole that would extend into the floor and upper door frame/wall. At each end of the pole would be a fixed gear that spins and cranks a generator when the door is opened or closed. This door would be ideal for every home or building allwoing people to save money by creating self-sustaining clean energy.

Swinging doors that are 
commonly found in bars and restaurants would have two doors, each set on 
poles that would 
crank the generator when swung open and closed.  What is unique about the 
swinging doors is that 
when it is swung open it will 
continue to swing back and forth for several 
seconds continuing to 
crank the generator.  Essentially 
there would be one generator per door. These 
doors would revolutionize the restaurant industry and other small business by saving them tons of 
money, while creating self-sustaining clean energy.

Revolving doors are the revolutionary door that could potentially power entire cities.  The revloving door is usually found in city buildings where mass 
crowds of people enter and exit on a daily basis.  
The revolving door is designed to keep a continuous 
flow of people entering while exiting.  The 
revolving door is genius because it continuously rotates several seconds after being used. 
A crank 
attached to both ends of the revolving door's center poll would crank two generators, one 
in the 
ground and one in the upper doorframe of the building. If these revolving doors were placed in 
busy buildings such as the New York Port Authority where thousands of people enter and exit all hours of the day and night, then energy would be continuously produced throughout the day.  All of the extra energy produced could potentially supply energy for a whole city block if not more.  If all major buildings were placed with this newly redesigned door then cities could potentially beome sefl-sustaining with clean energy.

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